"There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good."
~Edwin Denby

Monday, April 18, 2011

Danger in the bathroom..............

I am not much of a morning person...I'll admit it...I don't like to get up and I don't like to be messed with in the mornings..... Since also means that most mornings I am running LATE!!!!My husband tells me it sounds like I'm constantly running through the house. I try to explain that I am just walking fast and my footsteps are heavy...hmmmmmm...maybe I should try running...then I could get a workout in at the same time...I'm gonna have to give that a little more thought :)

So this morning I'm rushing around and get to the part of my daily routine where I fight with my blowdryer... Until this morning I thought I was fighting with the electrical outlet....where I also have a small fan plugged in and normally running...so the process begins as usual....turn on fan- plug in blow dryer- try to turn on blow-dryer- have to hit red test button (or whatever it is) on blowdryer plug in.... blow dryer turns on....then turns off...so the blow dryer and I have this vicious cycle going..finally I think I've got it beat and start blow drying my hair...

WooHoo I'd won....gonna be a great monday..............until............the blowdryer makes a random weird noise and I see sparks (via the mirror) shoot across the cabinet into the sink and my hand towel....what do I do....I yell...I yell profanities...because the only thing I could think of was "is my hair on fire?" "is the towel gonna catch on fire?"........ and of course my yelling of profanities wakes up my husband and I proceed to tell him my blowdryer was shooting sparks...real sparks!!!

My husbands response....yeah I think that things' been going out for a while..........

Thank goodness I kept my old blowdryer...Never know when you're gonna need an extra one!!!!

p.s. I'm also glad to know it's not the electrical outlet that I was fighting.... :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

.....oh yeah....that.....

Well for those of you that don't know me very well....i am a....PROCRASTINATOR!!! Yes, I said it! I procrastinate......I try my hardest not to, but there are some days that it gets the best of me...I recently told a friend that it wouldn't be so bad except.....I married a procrastinator!! So I don't think he's near as bad as I am..but when you get two procrastinators together, and well...they procrastinate......it's never good......

As I speak I am doing oh I don't know.....the start of about 17 loads of laundry!! If you're a smart person you're asking how in the world I have 17 loads of laundry...well I'm going to be completely honest....besides the fact that I went on a laundry strike (I didn't realize I had gone on strike until the dirty laundry started over taking my laundry room) and well the fact that 99% of my husbands clothes go to the cleaners, and we have no kids....I still don't really have an answer to this simple question!!

I can state that for about the last 4 days I've done nothing but wash loads of bedsheets and towels....the hubby came down with poison ivy (thank goodness I'm not allergic to it), and so towels and bedsheets have been a daily routine lately.....can I blame my non-laundry doing days on that???????

Oh well now that I've got all that said let me get back to my beginning point....I've been procrastinating on getting any book/movie reviews up here. I've read a couple good books lately and movies are always on our to do list..so I ask myself "where are the reviews?"......answer-I'm a procastinator....

Second half to that answer.....who likes doing book reports???? I mean, really??? As I was reprimanding myself the other day for slacking on not putting one on here I thought, why in the world did I want to start reviews on my blog???? I remember back in school how I loved to read a good book but HATED to do a report on it... and now here I am, years and years and years later writing a blog that I myself have COMPLETE AND UTTER CONTROL OVER and I choose to write random book reports!!!!

I believe I may have officially lost what marbles I have left.......okay, so I am going to start a section with movies and books I've recently watched or read. I also promise to give you some reviews of them but I also promise they will be nothing like your typical book report!!!! I just can't do......even if I tried, it wouldn't happen...remember???? I'm a procrastinator...!!

p.s. experienced my 1st turkey hunting experience this weekend

p.s.s. hubby also bought me my own shotgun..

p.s.s.s. i'm very proud of my shotgun....it was a very long process in finding one for me

p.s.s.s.s. most gun companies don't make left handed shotguns

p.s.s.s.s.s i'm left handed

p.s.s.s.s.s.s more on the turkey hunting and shotgun later.....maybe............

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is it that time yet????..........

Oh my.....has spring finally arrived??? I'm hoping that it has!! The weather has been pretty consistent and the thunderstorms have been rolling through. I do believe the thunderstorms are one of my favorite things about spring time.

I can say that the mornings around here have been rather chilly lately but the afternoons have been amazing!!! Part of this is due to the fact that the wind has actually been blowing here. You see, 90 degrees is so much easier to handle when the wind is blowing... add almost 100% humidity in the summer time and I promise you'll be jumping for joy when the wind is barely blowing and even more so when it blows 100 mph!!!  It didn't take me too long after moving here to realize that- the wind NEVER blows...okay, so never say never, right??? It does blow here but it's not very often and when it does no one knows what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels like Spring has Sprung here and I couldn't be more excited! Did I mention how much I  like the smell of fresh cut grass???? Or evenings spent grilling out?? Or just sitting out on the porch in the evenings??? I could go on forever about all the things that make me love Spring time!!! What is it that you love about Spring time???????

Hope you're all enjoying the weather!!!! :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Full Speed Ahead.....................

The weather here is BEAUTIFUL!! Now mind you, it's been like 32 degrees in the mornings but the temp has been inching it's way up during the day to make for some awesome weather! I was outside earlier playing with the puppies. Yes, the aussie's I introduced you to a few weeks ago. They are loving the weather. It makes it so much better for them when they get in the pond!! Or when Milsap falls into the pond....

I was in the front yard watching them play and run and became mesmerized at how amazingly beautiful they are. Both of them with their semi-thick winter coats still. They both have such different colored coats but are both beautiful!! Now don't get me wrong, they are pains in my ______, most of the time but I still love them!!

Milsap had troubles when we 1st move learning his way around the new place. BUT now he knows where the driveway is, the grass, the house, the dogpen, where we park the vehicles and where all the barbed wire fence is!! Needless to say he now knows how to PROPERLY make his way through a barbed wire fence...I'm pretty sure this was a hard lesson to learn but also one of those "I'll only make that mistake once" lesson!!! OH and it's definitely not one you can teach a blind dog. When he's uncomfortable he FREAKS out,so you just gotta let him learn on his own!!

Oh, yes I'm rambling...back to my point....I am completely AMAZED!!!! when I see Milsap running full speed down our driveway. It makes me so happy to know that he's that comfortable and has adapted that well. That is until I forget to get out of his way and he completely plows me over! And let me just tell ya, he's a strong boy at full speed!! Unfortunately that is not a lesson that I've learned just once. However, I do try to stay out of his way BUT his being blind sometimes forces him to not run in a straight line so.....even when I think I'm gettiing out of the way.....there he is, plowing me over AGAIN!!!!

Maybe one of these days, when I get real handy with my new camera I'll get some good action pictures of him at full speed. Until then....guess you'll just have to use your imagination :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

On Bended Knees.......

I've found myself praying almost non-stop the last couple of weeks. We've had some friends experience an unimaginable loss. I seem to find myself frowning and tearing up as I think about it and then without realizing I'm praying for them. Praying for comfort and peace for them from God. Praying that they help each other through this and that through God and with time their Hearts will be healed. Even as I write this I find myself praying for them and hoping that with each passing day things get easier for them and that the few, precious memories they have will never fade.

It's while saying these prayers that I realize just how trivial some things in life truly are. It's the friends, the emotions,the relationships, the family, the Prayer, the FAITH that is important............

Prayer is a powerful thing AND answered in so many ways, some of which we will never understand. I ask today and tomorrow and the next day that when you go to the Lord for your daily chat please pray for my friends, their family and all their broken hearts.

-Sooner Family...............your Cowboy Family loves you and is still on bended knees........